
How To Clean Your Urine From Weed

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It is both annoying and embarrassing to miss out on lifetime opportunities because of a failed drug test. Right? But the fact is that most US employers (both federal and private) are making drug tests mandatory in their hiring process.

Failing a drug test can be a jarring – life-changing – experience for both regular and occasional cannabis users. But passing these drug tests is crucial for landing a job and having a stable career these days.

But don't worry. There is a way to continue enjoying cannabis products and still pass your drug tests. Say hello to THC Detoxification!

So, if you're going to appear for a drug test anytime soon to get into a job, sporting event, get through on a promotion, or any other crucial selection process, a suitable Detox method can help you cleanse your body of THC and its metabolites.

But first, you must understand the different types of drug tests to find the best ways to beat them. Read on to know more about them.

5 Best THC Detox Methods [Full reviews]

  1. Detox Drinks – Best THC Detox Drinks Overall & Editor's Pick
  2. Detox Pills – Best Detox Pills for Drug Test
  3. Hair Shampoo –  Most trusted for passing hair Follicle Weed Drug Test
  4. Mouthwash – To pass an Oral Swab Test

#1. Detox Drinks – Best THC  Detox Drinks Overall & Editor's Pick

Detox Drinks

Detox drinks are an efficient way to save yourself from being guilty of a drug test failure. This method is quite similar to adding sugar to coffee to mask the raw taste. In drug tests, detox drinks cover the presence of THC traces to ditch the test. Like water flushes your body out of toxins, the Detox drinks make your urine diluted from the THC metabolites by adding creatinine or other vitamins and minerals in it. Don't expect it to remove THC traces from your body magically; it will just hide them.

You may find many Detox drinks in the market, but not all are effective enough. One of the brands that you can trust is Mega Clean.

Going by the brand's claims, Mega Clean should be able to fix your toxin issues in an hour and show the best results within three hours. It is specially designed to flush out the maximum proportion of toxins. It is suggested to flush out drugs for better results.

The pack comes with a set of six Pre Cleanse tablets. To ensure an effective detox using Mega Clean, you have to stop taking drugs, alcohol, or any other restricted substance before 48 hours of consuming the product. It is also suggested not to eat greasy food or maintain an otherwise unhealthy diet before the test as it might interfere with the results. Keep drinking enough water and other healthy fluids every two hours before and after drinking the Mega Clean Detox Drink, as they will add to the effects of the Detox drink. You would feel an increased frequency of urination after taking the detox drink, but that will indicate that the product has started its work.

Mega Clean is natural and comes in Wild Berry and Tropical Fruit flavors. Each bottle carries one-liter content. The product is cost-effective but is slow in showing results. It is suitable for Blood and Urine tests but not for Saliva or Hair Follicle tests.

#2. Detox Pills – Best Detox Pills for Drug Test

Detox Pills

As evident from the name, Detox Pills are tablets used to detoxify your body of toxins. They are a reliable option for efficient detoxification of your body. The pills start their work quickly, eliminating most of the THC content from your blood and urine. Complementing the pills with detox fluid catalyzes the process of removing THC from the body. Detox Pills are generally taken with a complete detox plan of four-five days. If you have an underlying drug test, this program can help you flush the restricted traces out from your body to help you come out clean.

To find the perfect Detox pill, you need to emphasize that it must not interfere with other indicators in your urine sample other than THC, as it will lead to suspicion. A brand that you can trust with this is Toxin Rid. The pills by the brand may help you get rid of the THC at a good pace, even if you are a rigorous THC consumer. In almost a week, the tablets, along with complimentary drinks, may clean up your blood, urine, and saliva so that you do not fail the drug test owing to THC consumption more than a week ago.

If you take up the pills, you must refrain from consuming any further THC or restricted items. To maintain the program's effectiveness, you must avoid heavy and intense exercises as they will slow down the process of detoxification. You have to take 15 pills of Toxin Rid daily (taking three capsules per hour, per day) for five successive days for effective results. If you have consumed a large amount of THC, you might need to take a more extended brand program to clear the drug test.

Toxin Rid tablets are made with natural ingredients only, and no animal products, artificial additives, or fluff ingredients are used. The pills start up the detoxifying action within an hour of consumption and are suitable for Urine, Saliva, and Blood drug tests. Toxin Rid offers a money-back guarantee over the ineffectiveness of its product.

#3. Hair Shampoo – Most trusted for passing hair Follicle Weed Drug Test

Employers do not commonly demand hair follicle tests, but they are difficult to clear when they do. Your hair can show THC traces for as long as three months before the test. Any detox drinks or pills cannot eliminate the traces from the hair follicle, so clearing the test becomes a challenge.

Particular shampoo can help get rid of drugs accumulated in them, and the most trusted one is Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo. The unique deep cleaning formula of the shampoo containing propylene glycol may clear your hair follicles from traceable THC so that you can seamlessly pass the Hair Follicle Drug Test. It was developed for better hair care and to remove pollutants from the hair. But, with observations, it was found effective in saving you from impending drug tests too.

To use the Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo, apply it to rinsed hair and massage your hair and scalp properly. Let the shampoo stay there for 10-15 minutes, and then wash it thoroughly with lukewarm water to effectively root out THC traces from your hair follicles. Start using the shampoo regularly at least ten days before the drug test. Using Ultra Clean with the shampoo boosts up the detox, and you get better results.

To maintain the shampoo's efficacy, you have to avoid getting your hair contacted with pre-detox items like caps, headbands, etc., they may leave the leftover traces back to your hair or scalp. Once you start using the shampoo, you must stop consuming drugs or any other restricted materials. Using the shampoo multiple times before your test will help you pass the test easily.

#4. Mouthwash – To pass an Oral Swab Test

Due to ease of testing and instant results, swab tests are getting widely popular. The test doesn't require any professional training to conduct it, and it can be performed using small kits with minimum infrastructure and expense. Following these features, most companies and institutions rely on this test.

If you know you are due for a saliva test for more than a week before then, refrain from using cannabis or other restricted substances for the time being. Make sure to brush your teeth and mouth well and as often as you can. But, if you have to appear for the test without any prior intimation, then Toxin Rid Mouthwash is a reliable solution.

Toxin Rid Mouthwash may wash out all traces of THC and other restricted substances from your mouth, ensuring that you pass your drug test. A one-ounce bottle is easy to sneak in. A three-minute rinse with the mouthwash three times each, and you are good to go for the test. To avoid raising suspicion, pop some mints. It will mask the smell.

#5. Home Remedies – Lemon Juice and Water

Home remedies are trusted in most of the health and fitness-related issues in life. Golden words from grandmothers prove to be highly effective in many cases, and we can trust them due to the lowest possibility of side effects. Ingredients from your kitchen can help you in getting clear through a drug test. Doesn't that sound easy? The effectiveness of fluids to help you get rid of body toxins is fantastic, and many such fluids can effectively push THC out of your urine sample.

One of the most efficient home remedies to flush out toxins in the body is lemon juice. Lemon juice is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them potent enough to detox your body without any side effects. Vitamin C is always considered beneficial for reducing toxins from the body, and lemons are undoubtedly one of the richest sources.

If you are not an intensive THC consumer, then lemon can help you detoxify the small traces of the drug. It will not eliminate the drug but will dilute your urine if taken in sufficient amounts. Depending on the THC consumption and your digestive system's acidic tolerance, take lemon juice diluted with an adequate amount of water every one to two hours.

Mix a full tablespoon of lemon juice into 500 ml of water and drink it as much time as you feel comfortable. You must start this process at least a week before the scheduled drug test. It will effectively clean your urine from the THC content and is a natural remedy. You don't have to be extra cautious with this method. This method works only for the Urine drug test and doesn't rely on it if you are heading for Blood, Saliva, or Hair follicle Drug tests.

#6. Cranberry Juice

It is always a better choice to flush out the THC traces from urine than masking them. Trusting fluids for the purpose, the following method on the list is Cranberry juice. Cranberry is highly trusted in helping you pass a THC drug test. The Cranberry juice results are based on observations, and no scientific research is done into it. The antioxidant properties of cranberry juice make it potent for detoxifying, but use this method if you take a small amount of THC.

Before using this delicious fruit to pass out THC from your system, you must get tested for any allergies to it. You have to take cranberry juice a day before the test. Buy a sugar-free cranberry juice preferably and take one-two glasses of fluid at regular intervals within the day. Sip in almost two liters of the juice an entire day for effective results. It would be beneficial to dilute the juice with water to let more fluid enter your body and eliminate THC efficiently.

While drinking the juice, you would feel frequent urges to pee, so try the procedure when at home or in some comfortable place. The liquid will effectively wash out THC traces from your body, giving clear urine for the sample.

Cranberry juice is a much cheaper solution than over-the-counter detox supplements, and given the great taste, it can be preferred to get rid of a slight amount of THC. It is recommended to take a Vitamin B supplement to prevent any suspicion. It will make the time look normal and not ultra clean. Do not trust this method if you are going for a Hair follicle drug test.

#7. Apple Cider Vinegar

Yet another ingredient out of your kitchen that can help you naturally detox THC from your system is Apple Cider Vinegar. It is recommended for various health benefits and is a good option for detoxification as it is a natural product that you can trust. The antibacterial properties of the vinegar allow it to remove THC from your urine and saliva when consumed orally and hair follicles when used as a hair wash.

Apple Cider Vinegar is usually taken orally. Dilute two or three tablespoons of vinegar with almost eight ounces of water and drink it periodically days before the test, depending on the THC levels consumed by you. It will flush out THC contents from the body.

For use as a hair wash, add half a cup of vinegar to a cup full of water and rinse your hair thoroughly for days before the test. The rinse will eliminate THC contents to an adequate level before the test. There are very few natural methods to ditch a hair drug test, and apple cider vinegar is most common and effective.

Apple Cider Vinegar is also cheaper to detoxify yourself to pass the THC drug test, but it only uses small amounts of traces. Do not trust this method if you use restricted items for a long time and in high doses. It is not as effective as other detox supplements for higher THC contents in the body.

Before Detox, Here are the 4 Types Of Drug Tests you should take!

Before delving into the various detoxification methods, it's good to know about the tests themselves so that you can prepare accordingly. There are four common types of drug tests based on the biological sample you provide for testing. Each of them has different advantages and needs to be individually prepared.

#1. Urine Test

The most reliable and common type of drug testing is done by examining a urine sample for THC. In this test, you are supposed to provide a fresh sample of urine to the examining professional to test the presence of THC, alcohol, opioids, opiates, methamphetamines, etc.

Usually, you will be supervised for the entire process to prevent any unfair practices like urine swapping. The urine is tested for traces based on the indicators like creatinine, color, pH, and temperature, as the parameters can change with time when outside your body. You must provide the sample at the testing center.

#2. Hair Follicle Test

A hair test can show drug consumption as far as three months ago. It is used in cases when a person is being tested for long-term drug use. This test cannot trace drugs consumed within five days or less.

In the test, a half-inch of hair can show a drug consumption history of one month or longer, so choosing the hair length is often a tricky task for professionals. Also, this particular type of test takes a longer time than the other types of tests.

Marijuana, opiates, cocaine, methamphetamines, and PCP traces can be traced with this test as they penetrate through blood vessels in the scalp and deposit drug metabolites in hair follicles.

#3. Blood Test

Though blood tests are the old reliable of drug tests, they sometimes shunner in favor of other tests due to their invasive nature. Blood tests are done by trained professionals only and can detect alcohol consumed up to 24 hours ago and weed consumed up to three weeks ago. The common detections made by the test are amphetamine, marijuana, cocaine, opiates, nicotine, methamphetamine, etc.

#4. Saliva Test

The saliva test, also known as the swab test, is the quickest test for easy drug detection. In this test, the person's saliva is collected to test opiates, cocaine, and methamphetamines consumed in the last few days. For marijuana, the test gives accurate results only within 10 hours of consumption. This test is conducted mainly before sports tournaments as it shows quick and recent results.

Making Sure Your Body Is Cleansed Of THC

It is understandably perplexing to wonder and worry if your detoxification process worked! There is a way to test that as well, i.e., before you go for the actual test. It is called a home drug test kit. There are plenty of those available in the market. Although they are not always perfect, many people use them to ensure their bodies are squeaky clean.

One of the most popular and reliable options in this respect is the Test Clear Hair Drug Test Kit and Shampoo.

It is usually quite effective. Most people have found it to be so. So, it is best to try it out before going for the actual test – just to be sure!

Don't Have Time For THC Detox? Here's What You Can Try!

Drug tests don't always come ringing days before. There are chances that you may have to face it suddenly and without any proper intimation. This situation can be frightening if you don't have enough time to detox yourself, so here we have an alternative method to help you save the day.

We will not suggest that you go for urine swapping, but we will recommend synthetic urine kits. There are plenty of such kits out there in the market, but none are equally efficient. We have sorted out the five best Synthetic Urine Kits for you to trust for ditching the urine drug test you will appear in.

#1. Test Clear

If you are searching for a reputed and trusted brand to come out clear in a drug test, then Test Clear is a good option. The brand has been giving away its helping people in clearing drug tests for a long time and has a successful history.

The synthetic Urine kits, Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit, and Urinator by Test Clear contain dehydrated synthetic urine in powdered form. The powder comes in a sealed vial. The kit also includes two air-activated heaters, a 50 ml transport vial, and a temperature strip attached to the vial.

The kit is available online and is found amazingly effective by customers. It is convenient to carry and use with all the details mentioned on the pack. As the product has a long shelf life, you can keep it in advance if you regularly face these tests.


  • High brand reputation
  • Longer shelf life
  • Highly effective
  • Good deals


  • Powdered consistency is difficult to handle
  • Not for sudden tests

#2. Sub Solution

Clear Choice is a recognized brand and is highly recommended by experts to clear drug tests with its wide range of products. Sub Solution synthetic urine is among the most reliable of its products. It has been actively supplied in the market since 2003 and is successful to date. It is undetectable in tests and can quickly get you through the screening.

Sub Solution Synthetic Urine is also recommended because it is free from biocide, making it reliable for the test. Its researched formula contains 11 chemical compounds like urea and uric acid that are identical to natural human pee. Other indicators like color, Ph, creatinine, and specific gravity add to the product's reliability to be undetected in the test.

For the best results, do not ignore the instructions given on the product pack. The temperature strip use must be done as per the guidelines to get the perfect end product.

The product comes with a chemical heat activator and powdered urine to be mixed by the user. It is a cost-effective option and can be used both by men and women. The only concern with the product is that the formula has not been revamped a lot in years, and modern-day advanced tests might trace it as synthetic urine.


  • Unisex
  • Easy to conceal
  • Cost-effective
  • Effective


  • Not fit for advanced tests

#3. Clear Choice Incognito Belt

Clear Choice is clear in choice with an extensive range of products for you. But, the most prized product from their cart is the Incognito Belt, which was launched in 2008. The belt has a bladder bag suspended to it stored with 3.5 ounces of premixed synthetic urine. The bag is connected to a rubber tube for the pee to be passed from a clip opening as it is gravity-operated. The urine is undetectable to be fake and is free from toxins and biocide.

The belt can be adjusted using Velcro and is suitable for both men and women. The belt perfectly hides under the clothes and is very convenient to use without getting caught.

The synthetic urine in the bladder is made with 11 chemical compounds that tend to make it a perfect dummy to the natural human urine. The ph level, temperature, color, and all other parameters are kept identical to standard levels of human urine to pass the test without any suspicion.

Since it is not a dehydrated product, you need not indulge in all the mixing. The temperature is balanced with the help of the heating pad, which is activated by shaking. You can monitor it using the temperature strip kept in touch with your body. You can use the belt twice and cannot refill the bladder. You will have to buy a whole new pack for next time.

The Incognito belt is an excellent option if you want to stay out of all the hassle of mixing water and powder in the case of powdered urine-type products.


  • Reputed brand
  • Easy to use
  • Longer shelf life
  • Cheaper than other alternatives


  • It can be used twice or thrice only

#4. Quick Luck Fake Pee

Clear Choice launched a newer version of synthetic urine under the name Quick Luck after Sub Solution. To match the standards of advancing urine drug tests, the company developed the product with more features that can make it undetectable in the latest test versions. The developments proved to be successful enough, and the product gained instant popularity.

The company intensified the research and came out with a highly reliable formula of liquid synthetic urine. The product is a three oz toxin-free urine made with 11 components and a deeply researched proportion to prevent it from being fake.

The heat activator in the kit gives a perfect temperature to the sample, as is expected from natural pee. Since it is already in liquid form, you don't have to prepare the sample beforehand, and without much hassle, you can comfortably clear the drug test.


  • Effective
  • Quick to use
  • Reputed brand
  • Free shipping
  • Money-back guarantee


  • Relatively expensive

#5. Urinator

If you trust more technically sound options for clearing a urine test, then Urinator is a great option to choose. Based on temperature control technology, the kit ensures the most realistic temperature of the fake pee that you will have to submit as a sample. According to the company, it is one of the most important factors to prevent suspicions and pass the test seamlessly.

The Urinator kit sets the perfect temperature of the pee for four hours. The kit contains a 100 ml dual-port bag with a liquid crystal thermometer, synthetic urine powder, and a syringe to fill the sample in the bag.

We know we have done enough of pee, urine, etc., and you might be cringing right now. But, we do know how important it can be for you to come out innocent in a drug test. These options can help you big time in clearing it. Steel sensor for temperature sensing and digital temperature controller maintains a perfect temperature of the sample. A thermal insulating blanket keeps the temperature stable for four hours.


  • Reusable
  • Free sample
  • Detailed instructions about the use
  • Temperature maintaining technology


  • Expensive
  • A bit of hassle to hide

FAQs On THC Detox

Q: Which is the best detox drink for weed?
A: Just to clarify, there is no sure-shot way to pass a drug test. However, the most suggested method is to consume a Detox drink to layer up the THC and additional cannabinoids or simply try washing out your system and increasing water intake as much as possible to dilute.

It is advised that weed is not consumed ahead of any drug test. It is essential that water intake is encouraged and natural diuretics are used to wash out the system. Hydration is necessary, and if possible, drink a sports drink or another drink that consists of electrolytes in large quantities. On your test day, check for the instructions to follow on the Detox drink box whichever is opted, and go for it.

Q: What's the best way to detox for a drug test?
A: When it is a drug test, there is no single way to assure 100% result. So, instead of choosing one, go for mixed ones.

Ahead of the test, start drinking as much water as possible. Also, remain physically active. You can do so by going to the gym and doing lots of workouts. So, the basic idea behind being physically active and drinking water is to dilute your system and flush it.

Besides hydration and working out, take a potent product. All of these ways and products will help dilute and drain your system.

Q: How is THC stored in the body?
A: THC is fat-soluble, and this composite of weed gets entrapped in fat cells of the human body. It is then broken down and flows into the bloodstream. Hence, it is the reason that it does not get metabolized easily and quickly.

For overweight people or having high BMI (Body Mass Index), it is even more difficult. So, if you do not cleanse your system to break THC, it will remain in your body for more extended periods.

Q: How does THC get flushed out of the body?
A: Once it has undergone metabolism and reached the bloodstream, THC compounds are carried to excretory organs (skin, kidneys, and bowels), from where they leave the body. Most of it is secreted in the form of feces. Given below is the exact proportion:

  • Up to 20% through the skin in the form of sweat
  • Up to 30% through kidneys in the form of urine
  • Up to 60% through bowels in the form of poop

Q: How to cleanse your system of weed quickly and effectively?
A: Though natural methods, exercise, and drinking lots of water are the cheapest ways to cleanse the system, those who are short on time and want to wash their system faster can do it using Test Clear's Mega Clean Detox Drink ahead of the drug test. On the other hand, if you've no time to detox, artificial fake pee is also an option.

Q: What is the best detox plan for marijuana?
A: Marijuana detoxification depends on different things, such as BMI. However, many good options can cleanse your system entirely within one hour of consumption. Also, overweight people can use them. While effective marijuana detoxification depends on several factors, including BMI, our THC detox kits, mentioned above, may have all it takes to help you pass a drug test.

Pee doesn't need to be the only sample that your employer can ask for a drug test. On test day, you may have to give other samples such as blood or saliva. In such cases, you can have three-day Detox pills. These pills flush your system.

Q: How fast do detox pills work?
A: The most effective pills can cleanse your system within a couple of hours and keep you cleansed for up to six hours.

Q: Does detox tea work for weed?
A: Detox Tea is an excellent option to pass a drug test. Detox teas are diuretic in nature, thus increasing the frequency of urine and cleansing the kidneys. However, it doesn't flush out the THC layers in urine. Hence, your test report cannot identify cannabinoids.

Also, an important point to know is that detox teas fluctuate the levels of creatinine in your urine which can be doubtful for the lab technician. It indicates that you tried to forge the drug test.

Q: Does alcohol help detox the body of THC?
A: Alcohol doesn't detox THC levels. It, in fact, has the opposite reaction on the body. It, instead, boosts the THC level available in the bloodstream. If alcohol is consumed after weed, the THC levels may go high unexpectedly than consuming the weed alone. That is why you should always avoid combining these two substances and definitely avoid driving while under their influence.

Q: How to detox drugs out of your system when pregnant?
A: Pregnancy is a crucial thing, and it's essential to detox when you're pregnant, not because you need to pass the drug test but because drugs are harmful to the fetus. When you try any detox method, talk to your doctor about pregnancy. Some detox methods can be detrimental during pregnancy, so be aware.

For any detox methods, do it as per the prescription of doctors. Any carelessness can lead to harmful impacts on your fetus's health and well-being. Keeping your pregnancy in mind, doctors can suggest the best method.

The news and editorial staffs of the Bay Area News Group had no role in this post's preparation.

How To Clean Your Urine From Weed


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