
How To Remove Rundll Error In Windows 10

Windows Update error codes are numerous and they are pretty much impossible to count. Microsoft has made a post where they listed all possible Windows Update mistake codes along with brusque descriptions simply this information is pretty useless since in that location are not hints to what might be causing the trouble or how to actually arroyo the solution.

Users are already reluctant enough almost starting an update of anything, particularly their operating system because that updating process normally slows the computer downwardly, even if it's only working in the background. Nevertheless, receiving these errors codes puts people off even more than and Microsoft definitely needs to do something in order to prevent these fault messages from occurring so often.

0xC1900101 – 0x30018 Fault

Upgrading from Windows 8.i to Windows has always been a painful process, especially when you cease up receiving this mistake bulletin constantly at random intervals during the updating process. The mistake message manifests itself through a Blue Screen of Death and the real solution to this trouble is yet to be announced by Microsoft.

The problem unremarkably appears when you are trying to install Windows 10 to a computer running Windows vii, 8, or 8.ane; but it can likewise appear when you try to install a regular update manually. Allow's find out just how to fix this outcome!

Solution 1: Make Certain Your Estimator Is Ready For the Update

At that place are quite a several steps yous need to undertake before even running the update yourself. These steps are numerous just it shouldn't take a long time before y'all are able to install the update yourself. Make sure you lot do everything on the list below and endeavour to run the update after accomplishing this.

  1. Effort temporarily disabling or uninstalling your antivirus software and turning off any 3rd-party firewall software you have running and encounter if the upgrade will succeed.
  2. If y'all are using a Wi-Fi connexion, try switching to a wired connectedness using a network cablevision, and disable or uninstall your wireless network bill of fare.
  3. Remove whatsoever connected USB devices (except the keyboard and mouse) when attempting the upgrade.
  4. Open up a Control Prompt (Admin), and type sfc /scannow to check for any damaged system files. Discover out more info on how to accomplish this by reading our commodity on the topic.
  5. Make certain you've installed all the latest Windows Updates and latest drivers and updates from your hardware and software manufacturers. Cheque your motherboard manufacturer's website for any BIOS updates for Windows 10.  Uninstall whatsoever unnecessary hardware or software prior to upgrading to Windows 10.
  6. Perform a make clean boot and attempt to attain the update procedure subsequently booting. Notice out more on how to perform a clean boot on Windows 8, eight.1, and 10 by clicking hither.
  7. If you are using a SCSI hard disk, brand sure you accept drivers available for your storage device on a thumdrive and information technology is connected. During Windows 10 setup, click the Custom Advanced Selection and employ the Load Commuter command to load the appropriate driver for the SCSI drive. If this does non work and setup still fails, consider switching to a IDE based difficult disk.

Solution 2: Disable the Onboard Sound in BIOS Settings

Several users have reported that disabling the onboard sound in BIOS managed to set up their issue and they were able to perform the update without problems. This is not a hard performance and it can easily fix your problem. Notwithstanding, make sure you lot have performed all the necessary steps from the Solution 1 before moving frontward to other solutions.

  1. Plough off your computer past going to the Start Carte du jour >> Ability Button >> Shut down
  2. Remove the add-on sound card if ane has been installed. Many motherboards automatically disable onboard sound when some other sound device is detected, and removing it might automatically restore your onboard audio. For desktop computers, you lot'll need to open the case and gently pull the sound card out of the card slot; this carte du jour could be secured with a screw or locking clips. Laptops could have an expansion card or a USB sound device that should be removed.
  3. Restart your PC and enter BIOS by pressing the BIOS key while the system starts. The BIOS key is typically displayed on the boot screen, saying "Press ___ to enter Setup." Common BIOS keys are F1, F2, Del, Esc and F10.
  4. Locate the settings option that changes the onboard audio. This could be under the "Avant-garde," "Devices" or "Onboard Peripherals" menu and marked as "Onboard Audio," "Sound…".
  5. Cull the onboard sound settings and choose "Disabled."
  6. Navigate to the Exit department and choose to Exit Saving Changes. This volition proceed with the kick. Make sure you endeavor to run the update over again.

Solution 3: Install Windows Using Media Cosmos Tool

This item error message is shown if you are updating Windows using the in-built Update Director and information technology appears at random percentages during the update process. However, you tin Assistant and culling which goes past the proper noun of Media Creation Tool which let'due south you install Windows using the .ISO file yous can download at Microsoft'southward official page.

You can also use Rufus to perform the update for you by following the instructions from our article on the topic.

  1. Select Download tool, and so select Run. You need to be an administrator to run this tool.
  2. On the License terms page, select Have if you accept the license terms.
  3. On the What do you desire to exercise? page, select Upgrade this PC at present and then select Next.
  4. The tool will beginning downloading and then installing Windows x. This tabular array shows which edition of Windows 10 will be installed on your PC.
  5. When Windows 10 is ready to install, you'll see a recap of what you've called and what will be kept during the upgrade. Select Modify what to keep to set whether you lot would similar to Keep personal files and apps, or Continue personal files only, or choose to go on Nothing during the upgrade.
  6. Relieve and close whatsoever open apps and files y'all may be running and, when you're set, select Install.
  7. It might take some fourth dimension to install Windows x, and your PC will restart a few times. Make certain yous don't turn your PC off.

Solution 4: Try the DISM Tool

Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM.exe) tool is a useful tool which tin can scan your Windows epitome for errors and mistakes you might have caused in it. It can exist run easily past using Command Prompt and it can be used also to gear up the errors automatically.

After running it, brand sure y'all wait for at to the lowest degree half an hour for information technology to stop since the tool checks everything regarding your Windows image.

Notice out more info on how to fix information technology by visiting this article we made on how to run DISM.exe.

Solution 5: Endeavour This Merely Registry Hotfix

This detail fix was able to help countless people fix their Windows Update-related issue and it's worth checking this out before running your Windows Update again.

Additionally, this particle solution was directly linked to solving this error letters past several users and so please cheque this out. It basically gets rid of unused drivers on your computer which is a job your Deejay Cleanup tool should take care off but for some reason it doesn't.

  1. Open up Control Prompt past typing "cmd" in the Search bar located at the taskbar.
  2. Re-create and paste the following command and make sure you click Enter afterwards:

rundll32.exe pnpclean.dll,RunDLL_PnpClean /DRIVERS /MAXCLEAN

  1. Exit Command Prompt, restart your estimator and make sure y'all run the update once more.

Solution half dozen: Reset your Windows Update Components

This is quite a lengthy procedure but it helps users deal with their errors during their updates and it has proven to solve various error codes, including the one nosotros are dealing with right at present. However, make sure you accept tried all of the solutions and steps in a higher place before trying this 1 as the ones higher up are much quicker.

  1. Blazon Command Prompt in the search bar and run it with administrator privileges.
  2. Kill the following processes: MSI Installer, Windows Update Services, BITS, and Cryptographic by copying and pasting the commands below. Make sure you click Enter after each ane.

net stop msiserver
net finish wuauserv
net cease bits
net stop cryptSvc

  1. Rename the Catroot2 and Software Distribution folders. Y'all can do this more hands by copying the post-obit commands in the Control Prompt:

ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old

ren C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 Catroot2.former

  1. Start the MSI Installer, Windows Update Services, BITS, and Cryptographic services over again past copying and pasting the commands below one after another.

net start wuauserv
net start cryptSvc
net start bits
cyberspace start msiserver

Solution 7: Using the Congenital-In Windows Troubleshooters

Windows 10 comes preinstalled with several troubleshooters which can automatically recognize the problem you are having and fix it for you in no time. These troubleshooters have helped a lot of people who are non so experienced in dealing with these issues themselves and the process takes nearly no time at all.

  1. Open up the Settings app by clicking on the Beginning button and then the gear icon just above. You tin can likewise search for it.
  2. Open the Update & Security department and navigate to the Troubleshoot menu.
  3. First of all, click on the Windows Update option and follow the instructions on screen to see whether in that location is something wrong with Windows Update services and processes.
  4. After the troubleshooter finishes, navigate to the Troubleshoot department over again and open the Internet Connections troubleshooter.
  5. Check to encounter if the problem is solved.

Solution eight: Disable Wi-Fi in BIOS

It turns out that disabling Wi-Fi in BIOS helped several users deal with their problem and so it'south worth giving this a shot. It'southward not time-consuming and information technology may prepare the issue for you lot every bit well. This particular solution is mostly for laptop users.

  1. Restart or turn on your estimator.
  2. Enter BIOS by pressing the BIOS primal while the arrangement starts. The BIOS key is typically displayed on the boot screen, maxim "Press ___ to enter Setup." Common BIOS keys are F1, F2, Del, Esc and F10.
  3. Navigate to the Advanced department and locate your Wi-Fi carte. If you are using the Wi-Fi carte du jour integrated in your laptop (if information technology came with the laptop), it should be under the "Integrated WLAN" option.
  4. Disable information technology and navigate to the Exit tab. Choose the Exit Saving Changes selection which should save the changes and go on with the boot.
  5. Try installing Windows ten again.

Solution ix: Modify or Create a Registry Key

This particular registry key is known to be a crusade for this detail mistake bulletin so make sure you either create information technology or modify it in the following manner. However, you should backup your registry just in case you configure information technology incorrectly since changing the registry may crusade unpredictable errors to your PC.

  1. Open up the Registry Editor past searching for information technology in the Search box located in the Start menu or by using the Ctrl + R key combination in order to bring upwards the Run dialog box where y'all demand to type "regedit".
  2. Click on the File menu located at the top left office of the window and select the Export choice.
  3. Choose where you desire to salve the changes to your registry.
  4. In case you cause some damage to the registry by editing it, simply open Registry Editor once more, click File >> Import and locate the .reg file you exported beforehand.
  5. Alternatively, if you lot fail to Import the changes made to the registry, y'all tin restore your system to a previous working state by using System Restore. Larn how to configure Organisation Restore and how to use it by checking out our commodity on this topic via this link.

Now what we have created a backup for our registry, let's get to the set.

  1. Open up the Registry Editor by post-obit the instructions to a higher place in Step 1.
  2. Navigate to the following location in your registry past expanding the menus located at the left side of the window.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\ OSUpgrade

  1. If this item fundamental doesn't be, right-click on the WindowsUpdate central, select New >> Fundamental and name information technology OSUpgrade.
  2. In this particular location (OSUpgrade), right-click on the OSUpgrade folder and select New >> DWORD (32-scrap) Value.
  3. Proper name this registry key as AllowOSUpgrade and click ok.
  4. Double-click on this new value and blazon 0x00000001 under the Value information setting and click OK.
  5. Restart your computer and check to see if the effect is stock-still.

Photo of Kevin Arrows

Kevin is a dynamic and self-motivated information technology professional, with a Thorough knowledge of all facets pertaining to network infrastructure design, implementation and assistants. Superior record of delivering simultaneous large-scale mission critical projects on fourth dimension and under budget.


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